Thursday, 31 December 2009
Here are the new recycling bins for the flats opposite the ambush st convenience store.I wonder where these will end up on new years eve.

Monday, 21 December 2009
The road to nowhere
Is it a conspirosy theory or are the town planners incompetent? the Edgar Mobbs rd through to Towcester rd has been awaiting a link up for how many years ?
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Come and Meet The Police

The Mobile Police station will be in the area on Monday 14th December from 12:30pm – 2:20pm and can be found in the ALDI car park, on Harlestone Road.
So, if you have any concerns you would like to chat about with your local Police officers, then make your way to ALDI!
Also the St.James Safer Community Team have a monthly surgery at the Police box on Abbey Street, this is held on the first Saturday of every month from 10:00am – 12:00pm.
Free Christmas Learning
These Mini courses are all held locally at
the Doddridge Centre
109 St James Road, Northampton NN5 5LD
Activity Date Time
Managing Stress at Christmas....... Thursday10th December 10.00am to 12.30pm
Managing Stress at Christmas....... Thursday 10th December 1.30-pm to 4.00pm
Christmas Card Making....... Monday 14th December 10.00am to 1.00pm
Christmas Card Making....... Wednesday16th December 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Being Positive & Assertive....... Thursday 17th December 10.00am to 12.30pm
Being Positive & Assertive....... Thursday 17th December 1.30-pm to 4.00pm
To book, call 01604 585459
(quoting reference D475)
the Doddridge Centre
109 St James Road, Northampton NN5 5LD
Activity Date Time
Managing Stress at Christmas....... Thursday10th December 10.00am to 12.30pm
Managing Stress at Christmas....... Thursday 10th December 1.30-pm to 4.00pm
Christmas Card Making....... Monday 14th December 10.00am to 1.00pm
Christmas Card Making....... Wednesday16th December 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Being Positive & Assertive....... Thursday 17th December 10.00am to 12.30pm
Being Positive & Assertive....... Thursday 17th December 1.30-pm to 4.00pm
To book, call 01604 585459
(quoting reference D475)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Will it get better ???

Well here we are 5 months on from our last winge about the state of our streets ,and whats happened ,exactually NOTHING .The streets are still a disgrace,litter everywhere ,and the incompetent Northampton Borough Council don't give a damn,they can't even arrange for a representative to address the people that pay their wages.Around June time the so called leader of the NBC posted the above letter in the Chronicle & Echo,as you can see he was either mislead or hadn't a clue as to what going on.As everyone can see the streets over the last year have got increasingly dirtier,with only a motorised sweeper trying to clean the streets,obviuosly not as good as a man & broom did beforehand.
printed in the C & E 2 nov 2009
"The council's current chief executive, David Kennedy, joined Northampton in November 2007 and during that period has overseen the delivery of very significant improvement in performance, and ensured the council is maintaining forward momentum".the authority's spokesman added: "The chief executive is paid £138,300.pa"
Friday, 27 November 2009
SJRA residents meeting
The next Residents meeting of the St.James Residents’ Association takes place on Thursday 3rd December at 7.00pm in the Tomalin Room at The Doddridge Centre on St.James Road. If you have any concerns you would like to raise and perhaps bring your issues to the attention of your Councillors and local Police officers then come along, you will be most welcome.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Go to the bbc web site for more information.
Be clever and keep control - bbc.co.uk/radio1/bullyproof/beclever/ TIPS
Never rise to nastiness. Block it and report it. Remove people from your friends list and if necessary, report them to the people that run the website.
Adjust your privacy settings so that only people you choose can see your profile. Make yourself unfindable in searches and set your profile to private if you want.
Think about what you post. Only write things online that you would say to someone's face. You don't have to join in on forwarding embarrassing stuff.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Thursday, 5 November 2009
3 G's for the ‘The Cultural Walkway’

The grant will be split between 12 local community organisations/individuals who would like to support the design of The Cultural Walkway in Foot Meadow, St James. In order to be eligible, any not-for-profit organisations must be able to work towards delivering one of the following objectives:
· Deliver art workshops in the Castle Ward.
· Support the development of the Cultural Walkway project in Foot Meadow.
· Support local resident participation in the arts.
· Support alternative learning environments
Anyone interested please contact for further information or If you have any questions,
Lucy Harrison on 01604 607045, or e-mail lucyqc@hotmail.co.uk
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Latest News
A planning application 09/0119/FULWNN has been lodged with the WNDC by Sainsburys for their proposed store extension.
Copies of the application and associated plans etc can be viewed at WNDC offices at Franklins Gardens between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm. They are also available online at www.wndc.org.uk; follow link "search planning applications". You can make representations online or write to the "Planning Department", PO Box 622 , Franklins Gardens, Northampton NN5 5WU. Closing date for comment or representations is 05.11.09
On Remembrance Sunday, the 8th November, there will be a short ceremony of remembrance in from of St James Church tower at 11am. The tower was built as a memorial for the service personnel of St James End who died in conflict. The ceremony will follow a 10am service in the church and everyone is invited to either or both events.
The police priorities for St James Ward are:
thefts from cars
motorcycle nuisance
antisocial behaviour in Upton
The police priorities for Castle Ward are:
antisocial behaviour
Finally, the Doddridge Centre has gained funding to run free classes on a wide range of subjects. The classes arranged so far are relationship building, local history, parenting, mood buster courses, how to get your local services, digital photography, family history, mend and make do sewing classes and internet chat with family and friends overseas. However, more classes are to be arranged. If any of these sound interesting then phone the Doddridge Centre on 01604 586384 or email maryclarke@doddridgecentre.org.uk
Copies of the application and associated plans etc can be viewed at WNDC offices at Franklins Gardens between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm. They are also available online at www.wndc.org.uk; follow link "search planning applications". You can make representations online or write to the "Planning Department", PO Box 622 , Franklins Gardens, Northampton NN5 5WU. Closing date for comment or representations is 05.11.09
On Remembrance Sunday, the 8th November, there will be a short ceremony of remembrance in from of St James Church tower at 11am. The tower was built as a memorial for the service personnel of St James End who died in conflict. The ceremony will follow a 10am service in the church and everyone is invited to either or both events.
The police priorities for St James Ward are:
thefts from cars
motorcycle nuisance
antisocial behaviour in Upton
The police priorities for Castle Ward are:
antisocial behaviour
Finally, the Doddridge Centre has gained funding to run free classes on a wide range of subjects. The classes arranged so far are relationship building, local history, parenting, mood buster courses, how to get your local services, digital photography, family history, mend and make do sewing classes and internet chat with family and friends overseas. However, more classes are to be arranged. If any of these sound interesting then phone the Doddridge Centre on 01604 586384 or email maryclarke@doddridgecentre.org.uk
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Football in the Park
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Castle Ward Crime Prevention Day
Friday, 16 October 2009
Sainsburys Extension
Planning application 09/0119/FULWNN has been lodged with the WNDC by Sainsburys for their proposed store extension.
Copies of the application and associated plans etc can be viewed at WNDC offices at Franklins Gardens between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm. Also online at www.wndc.org.uk, follow link "search planning applications". You can make representations online or write to the "Planning Department", PO Box 622 , Franklins Gardens, Northampton NN5 5WU. Closing date for comment or representations is 05.11.09
Copies of the application and associated plans etc can be viewed at WNDC offices at Franklins Gardens between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm. Also online at www.wndc.org.uk, follow link "search planning applications". You can make representations online or write to the "Planning Department", PO Box 622 , Franklins Gardens, Northampton NN5 5WU. Closing date for comment or representations is 05.11.09
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Justice for All
Monday, 10 August 2009
The results of the NBC street cleaning cutbacks

As we all know this is happing all over Castle and St James wards. Drains are becoming blocked because of the cut backs to street cleaning.It is unbelievable that this administration has forgotten so quickly the suffering that people in Castle and St James had when they were flooded. After speaking to lots of residents who are of later years it is quite clear that flooding and blocked drains cause them great distress and worry. It now seems quite clear now that a lack of proper street cleaning is beginning to have an effect on the drainage system. What will it take to have our streets cleaned properly........ another flood? Would all residents that feel strongly about this complain to the Council(01604-837837) and ask for an explanation as to why the drains are blocking all the time if the street cleaning has not been cut back.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Thursday, 23 July 2009
St James.A suburb to be proud of ?
Is St James the worse suburb in town? blocked drains ,lack of street sweepers,overgrowing trees,fly tipping rampant,cars parking everywhere.Who would believe that St James is where the NBC is situated.Its obviuos the leaders of the council don't reside here otherwise it would have a different outcome.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Blocked Drains
Saturday, 11 July 2009
The Picnic in the Park
Fun,Fun,Fun was had by all at the annual "picnic in the park" It was good to see residents & visitors alike at the festival,thanks goes to CASPAR for getting it organised,The most pleasing thing was a coming together of people from all walks of life,from Lithuanians to Albanians to West Indians and Pakistani's to Chinese and Polish and Samolians,from Muslims and Christians ,Buddists and Catholics...Thats what Life should be about The Human Race.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
The Cleanest Streets In ???
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
Environmental Health
Due to the ineptitude of tne present NBC administration there is NO out of hours contact number for the Environmental Health.So if you have a problem with noisy or inconsiderate neighbours in the middle of the night you have no contact number as the Police will not attend in these situations.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Police Priority Action Areas
The next 3 areas the police are focusing on are;
1.Theft from Motor Vehicles in the Sixfields area.
2.Speeding Motor Vehicles along the Weedon Road.
3.Unsupervised behaviour of young people in the Upton/Upton Lodge area.
1.Theft from Motor Vehicles in the Sixfields area.
2.Speeding Motor Vehicles along the Weedon Road.
3.Unsupervised behaviour of young people in the Upton/Upton Lodge area.
Monday, 25 May 2009
A New Tenants Association Founded
On Thursday May 21st the Northampton Independent Tenants Association (NITA)was founded.The newly elected Committee consists at the moment of: Chair: Beverley Mennell Vice Chair: Martin De Rosario Secretary: Still up for grabs Treasurer: Jean Lineker. The association will be a truly independent association for Council tenants and completely free from the Borough Councils influence which had been the case with NTACT. The Next Meeting of NITA will be on July 2nd at the Jubilee Hall, Mayfield Road, next to St Alban’s Church. All Council tenants are very welcome to attend. The main business on the agenda will be the adoption of a constitution. For Information Contact: Beverley Mennell: 07930119659 or Martin De Rosario: 07896311789.
The time of the next NITA meeting will be at 6:30pm – 9pm. There is also a short break for tea and biscuits.
The time of the next NITA meeting will be at 6:30pm – 9pm. There is also a short break for tea and biscuits.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Eye in the Sky
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
A Rare Find in St James
Monday, 11 May 2009
The Only Thing That's Not Been Cutback !!!!
Friday, 8 May 2009
Licence Refusal
The application for a alcohol licence for the shop formally known as "Rice Wines" at 99 Weedon rd (opposite the Saints shop)has been refused.Stay tuned for more updates
The New Non Emergency Police Number
Please be advised of the new non emergency police number which is 03000 111 222
Saints / ASDA meeting 7th may 2003
Following our report last week in Down Your Way on rumours that the Community Centre would be closing, we have spoken to the Borough Council and they have confirmed that if the executive committee want to step down, they will take it over. This is still rumour and conjecture at the moment, however, as we haven’t heard directly from anyone on the executive committee that they do intend stepping down.
Last night at the Resident’s meeting, representatives from Saints and ASDA attended to talk about their development proposal at the rugby club and they answered questions from residents. The main issues raised by residents were the problems with parking, implications on the flood plain and increase on traffic to the area. They don’t anticipate submitting their planning application until the autumn and in the meantime will be carrying out extensive consultation with local residents. They assure us that all feedback will be taken into account and mentioned investing in the local area to improve our highways. So, let us know your views and concerns so that we can keep the pressure up.
Latest priorities from the Safer Community Team are;
1. speeding along Weedon Road,
2. thefts from motor vehicles in and around Sixfields
3. anti social behaviour on the Upton estate.
Problems are starting to appear from the new shop on Ambush Street with poor parking causing a safety hazard, litter from discarded cans, and youths hanging around drinking. We will be raising it at the next JAG.
We still urge you to ‘adopt a pothole’ and continue to report the poor state of our roads on Street Doctor on the County Council website, or write directly to the Councillor in charge Bob Seery at bseery@northamptonshire.gov.uk. The lack of response from them so far shows how little regard they have for St James but this means we must campaign even harder so that cannot ignore us and have to act.
Don’t forget to read and comment on our blog at www.jimmys-end.blogspot.com and we now have a new website www.sjra.info. We’ve only just started it and will be expanding it’s content so let us know what you’d like to see on it.
The next Residents Association meeting is 18th June so get it in your diaries now.
Last night at the Resident’s meeting, representatives from Saints and ASDA attended to talk about their development proposal at the rugby club and they answered questions from residents. The main issues raised by residents were the problems with parking, implications on the flood plain and increase on traffic to the area. They don’t anticipate submitting their planning application until the autumn and in the meantime will be carrying out extensive consultation with local residents. They assure us that all feedback will be taken into account and mentioned investing in the local area to improve our highways. So, let us know your views and concerns so that we can keep the pressure up.
Latest priorities from the Safer Community Team are;
1. speeding along Weedon Road,
2. thefts from motor vehicles in and around Sixfields
3. anti social behaviour on the Upton estate.
Problems are starting to appear from the new shop on Ambush Street with poor parking causing a safety hazard, litter from discarded cans, and youths hanging around drinking. We will be raising it at the next JAG.
We still urge you to ‘adopt a pothole’ and continue to report the poor state of our roads on Street Doctor on the County Council website, or write directly to the Councillor in charge Bob Seery at bseery@northamptonshire.gov.uk. The lack of response from them so far shows how little regard they have for St James but this means we must campaign even harder so that cannot ignore us and have to act.
Don’t forget to read and comment on our blog at www.jimmys-end.blogspot.com and we now have a new website www.sjra.info. We’ve only just started it and will be expanding it’s content so let us know what you’d like to see on it.
The next Residents Association meeting is 18th June so get it in your diaries now.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Is Jimmys-End a Third World Suburb ??
Welcome To Pot Hole Hell
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