St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Monday, 27 April 2009

Traffic and Highways Problems

The SJRA has been busy reporting the appalling condition of the roads in our area. To date we have photographed and reported to the County Council “Sreetdoctor” service and Highways boss, Bob Seery the pot holes in Duston road, Lower Weedon Road and St.James road. On Duston Road a resident has already reported the potholes and in particular one bad one but was reportedly told that it was not serious enough yet to warrant repair! One has to ask the question, when is a pot hole not a pot hole? The SJRA will be asking just that question to the appropriate body!
We ask all residents in the area to keep reporting the terrible road conditions in the area to the streetdoctor service by either e-mailing or by phone 0845 601 113. The more people who report in the better it is the only way to keep the pressure on.
The SJRA are still awaiting a response from the County Council Highways dept about issues that have been raised at previous meetings by residents, including Permit parking, traffic light problems, parking etc. Since a site visit with NCC Community Liason Officer back in January we have heard nothing from the NCC. Andrew Leighton was due to appear at the last SJRA residents meeting to give an update to residents but cancelled due to other engagements. He did not even send an e-mail with the required feedback. Councillor Seery has also been quiet since his appearance at the SJRA traffic meeting last year. We have even tried to contact the person dealing specifically with the Permit parking review but his e-mail are bouncing back, his address is no longer valid!
It seems the County Council does not wish to engage with the residents of St.James but they (Andrew Leighton and Bob Seery) have found the time to meet prospective Conservative County Councillor, candidate for St.James Ward, Suresh Patel, to visit the area and discuss issues. The SJRA was not invited nor informed of this site visit by any of the participants and was not even mentioned by the candidate at the last Residents meeting when this subject was being discussed at length!
We cannot help but feel we, the residents of St.James are being treated with contempt, perhaps it is something to do with the forthcoming elections in June? One can only speculate!
The SJRA has also been busy reporting fly tipping in the area, although it has not been easy to report as the “new” Environmental Wardens service, which took over the efficient Neighbourhood Wardens service seems not to be contactable, despite running form the beginning of April. No details seem to available on how to use the service. Apparently the NBC website says they will be available from the end of April. The Environmental health dept was where we reported to.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Fly Tipping Jimmys-end style

After increases in bulk item collecting by the Northampton Borough Council ,this seems to be the response.

Victoria Parks "Field of Hope"

A great shot of the field of hope in the park , with the "Northampton Lighthouse" in the background.

(courtesy of Graham Croucher (the "litchfield" of jimmys-end)

Safe & Secure

At last the Castle Pub is securely boarded up

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Latest News

Next date for your diary is the Residents Association meeting on Thursday 7th May 7pm at the Doddridge Centre. In the meantime if you have any comments then drop us a line at

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


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