St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Friday, 29 May 2009

Environmental Health

Due to the ineptitude of tne present NBC administration there is NO out of hours contact number for the Environmental Health.So if you have a problem with noisy or inconsiderate neighbours in the middle of the night you have no contact number as the Police will not attend in these situations.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Police Priority Action Areas

The next 3 areas the police are focusing on are;

1.Theft from Motor Vehicles in the Sixfields area.
2.Speeding Motor Vehicles along the Weedon Road.
3.Unsupervised behaviour of young people in the Upton/Upton Lodge area.

Monday, 25 May 2009

A New Tenants Association Founded

On Thursday May 21st the Northampton Independent Tenants Association (NITA)was founded.The newly elected Committee consists at the moment of: Chair: Beverley Mennell Vice Chair: Martin De Rosario Secretary: Still up for grabs Treasurer: Jean Lineker. The association will be a truly independent association for Council tenants and completely free from the Borough Councils influence which had been the case with NTACT. The Next Meeting of NITA will be on July 2nd at the Jubilee Hall, Mayfield Road, next to St Alban’s Church. All Council tenants are very welcome to attend. The main business on the agenda will be the adoption of a constitution. For Information Contact: Beverley Mennell: 07930119659 or Martin De Rosario: 07896311789.

The time of the next NITA meeting will be at 6:30pm – 9pm. There is also a short break for tea and biscuits.

Saturday, 23 May 2009


It seems i can now pack away my absailing equipement as the pot holes are being repaired in Duston Rd

A Positive Council Cutback !

The overhanging tree in Stanley rd has now been totally removed as it was deemed a dangerous tree

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Eye in the Sky

At 2pm thursday a helicopter was in the skies above St James, some thought it was taking ariel photos of the newly discovered species of flower , some thought it was the only way to travel through St James to avoid hitting a pothole, but alas it was only a police helicopter on patrol

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

St James 2010 ??

A Rare Find in St James

While there was excitement in the sands of Egypt when Tutankhamun was found,and there was pandemonium in the Klondike Gold Rush,what awaits St James after a flower was discovered in the well renown "St James Flower Beds".

Monday, 11 May 2009

The Only Thing That's Not Been Cutback !!!!

The current council is cutting back on everything ,except the trees in Stanley rd,or is it their attempt at creating a local rainforest.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Licence Refusal

The application for a alcohol licence for the shop formally known as "Rice Wines" at 99 Weedon rd (opposite the Saints shop)has been refused.Stay tuned for more updates

The New Non Emergency Police Number

Please be advised of the new non emergency police number which is 03000 111 222

Saints / ASDA meeting 7th may 2003

Following our report last week in Down Your Way on rumours that the Community Centre would be closing, we have spoken to the Borough Council and they have confirmed that if the executive committee want to step down, they will take it over. This is still rumour and conjecture at the moment, however, as we haven’t heard directly from anyone on the executive committee that they do intend stepping down.
Last night at the Resident’s meeting, representatives from Saints and ASDA attended to talk about their development proposal at the rugby club and they answered questions from residents. The main issues raised by residents were the problems with parking, implications on the flood plain and increase on traffic to the area. They don’t anticipate submitting their planning application until the autumn and in the meantime will be carrying out extensive consultation with local residents. They assure us that all feedback will be taken into account and mentioned investing in the local area to improve our highways. So, let us know your views and concerns so that we can keep the pressure up.
Latest priorities from the Safer Community Team are;
1. speeding along Weedon Road,
2. thefts from motor vehicles in and around Sixfields
3. anti social behaviour on the Upton estate.
Problems are starting to appear from the new shop on Ambush Street with poor parking causing a safety hazard, litter from discarded cans, and youths hanging around drinking. We will be raising it at the next JAG.
We still urge you to ‘adopt a pothole’ and continue to report the poor state of our roads on Street Doctor on the County Council website, or write directly to the Councillor in charge Bob Seery at The lack of response from them so far shows how little regard they have for St James but this means we must campaign even harder so that cannot ignore us and have to act.
Don’t forget to read and comment on our blog at and we now have a new website We’ve only just started it and will be expanding it’s content so let us know what you’d like to see on it.

The next Residents Association meeting is 18th June so get it in your diaries now.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Is Jimmys-End a Third World Suburb ??

Cars parking on grass verges
Fly tipping

Unattended flower beds

Large household items on the street

Is this a place to be proud of ? Is this where you want your kids to grow up ?
Do you want inprovements ?................................... NBC Time To Take Responsibility !!

Welcome To Pot Hole Hell

Not only are these potholes dangerous to cyclists they are also damaging your car/bike costing you £££ in repairs ,due to the council ignoring repeated requests to fix them.

Friday, 1 May 2009

!!!!!! Saints/ASDA Planning Proposal News !!!!!!

The next meeting of the SJRA 7th May 2009, will have in attendance a representative from both the Saints and ASDA store in regard to the extension of the Saints and the planning permission of the ASDA store.

If you would like to express an opinion attend the meeting this coming thursday 7th may 2009

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


Either reply to a post here or email us at : Remember, Your Problem is Our Priority