St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Latest News

A planning application 09/0119/FULWNN has been lodged with the WNDC by Sainsburys for their proposed store extension.
Copies of the application and associated plans etc can be viewed at WNDC offices at Franklins Gardens between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm. They are also available online at; follow link "search planning applications". You can make representations online or write to the "Planning Department", PO Box 622 , Franklins Gardens, Northampton NN5 5WU. Closing date for comment or representations is 05.11.09

On Remembrance Sunday, the 8th November, there will be a short ceremony of remembrance in from of St James Church tower at 11am. The tower was built as a memorial for the service personnel of St James End who died in conflict. The ceremony will follow a 10am service in the church and everyone is invited to either or both events.

The police priorities for St James Ward are:

thefts from cars
motorcycle nuisance
antisocial behaviour in Upton

The police priorities for Castle Ward are:

antisocial behaviour

Finally, the Doddridge Centre has gained funding to run free classes on a wide range of subjects. The classes arranged so far are relationship building, local history, parenting, mood buster courses, how to get your local services, digital photography, family history, mend and make do sewing classes and internet chat with family and friends overseas. However, more classes are to be arranged. If any of these sound interesting then phone the Doddridge Centre on 01604 586384 or email

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Football in the Park

FREE football in the park sessions starting this saturday 17th October 2009 at Victoria park,Come along and have some fun.

1.30pm to 2.30pm (8 to12) boys and girls

2.30pm to 3.30pm (13 to 18) boys and girls

Saturday, 17 October 2009

SJRA Meeting 22nd October 2009

Come along and hear what 2 magistrates have to say on crime & punishment.

Castle Ward Crime Prevention Day

Not in My Neighbourhood community fun day on 7 November at Spring Lane Primary School.
Come and see what support there is for people in our area.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Sainsburys Extension

Planning application 09/0119/FULWNN has been lodged with the WNDC by Sainsburys for their proposed store extension.
Copies of the application and associated plans etc can be viewed at WNDC offices at Franklins Gardens between the hours of 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm. Also online at, follow link "search planning applications". You can make representations online or write to the "Planning Department", PO Box 622 , Franklins Gardens, Northampton NN5 5WU. Closing date for comment or representations is 05.11.09

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Justice for All

Here's you chance to find out what really happens with the justice system ,come and listen to 2 Magistrates and offer up a question or two.The SJRA meeting starts at 7pm thursday 22nd October.

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


Either reply to a post here or email us at : Remember, Your Problem is Our Priority