St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Will it get better ???

Well here we are 5 months on from our last winge about the state of our streets ,and whats happened ,exactually NOTHING .The streets are still a disgrace,litter everywhere ,and the incompetent Northampton Borough Council don't give a damn,they can't even arrange for a representative to address the people that pay their wages.Around June time the so called leader of the NBC posted the above letter in the Chronicle & Echo,as you can see he was either mislead or hadn't a clue as to what going on.As everyone can see the streets over the last year have got increasingly dirtier,with only a motorised sweeper trying to clean the streets,obviuosly not as good as a man & broom did beforehand.

printed in the C & E 2 nov 2009
"The council's current chief executive, David Kennedy, joined Northampton in November 2007 and during that period has overseen the delivery of very significant improvement in performance, and ensured the council is maintaining forward momentum".the authority's spokesman added: "The chief executive is paid £138,"

Friday, 27 November 2009

SJRA residents meeting

The next Residents meeting of the St.James Residents’ Association takes place on Thursday 3rd December at 7.00pm in the Tomalin Room at The Doddridge Centre on St.James Road. If you have any concerns you would like to raise and perhaps bring your issues to the attention of your Councillors and local Police officers then come along, you will be most welcome.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Go to the bbc web site for more information.

Be clever and keep control - TIPS

Never rise to nastiness. Block it and report it. Remove people from your friends list and if necessary, report them to the people that run the website.

Adjust your privacy settings so that only people you choose can see your profile. Make yourself unfindable in searches and set your profile to private if you want.

Think about what you post. Only write things online that you would say to someone's face. You don't have to join in on forwarding embarrassing stuff.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Thursday, 5 November 2009

3 G's for the ‘The Cultural Walkway’

The grant will be split between 12 local community organisations/individuals who would like to support the design of The Cultural Walkway in Foot Meadow, St James. In order to be eligible, any not-for-profit organisations must be able to work towards delivering one of the following objectives:

· Deliver art workshops in the Castle Ward.

· Support the development of the Cultural Walkway project in Foot Meadow.

· Support local resident participation in the arts.

· Support alternative learning environments

Anyone interested please contact for further information or If you have any questions,

Lucy Harrison on 01604 607045, or e-mail

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


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