“Very shortly, most residents in St. James (if you have not already) will be getting a letter from the County Council explaining options for residents.
Basically, there are three options;
1. If you are not already in a permit parking scheme you have the option of joining one,
2. Extra street junction protection in the form of yellow linage,
3. stay as you are.
Areas are split into zones and we are told the decision to implement a scheme is to be taken on a zone by zone basis not a street by street basis. I.e. if the majority (more than 50%) of residents in the zone want a permit scheme then one will be implemented on the basis of the one that already operates in the Scottish Streets. Although residents in this scheme are being written to regarding “tweaks” to the scheme, hopefully the suggested improvements! So if you do not think a scheme would work well in your street it is important you talk to your neighbours and urge them to reply asap! Remember, a parking permit does not guarantee you a space outside your property and you will have to pay for the permit itself, currently £25.00, but it is sure to increase next year. So, the whole of St. James could be a permit scheme area some time in the future, probably next year if the majority wants it! It’s up to you now, time to decide. The SJRA has made further recommendations such as parking restrictions in certain areas instead of a permit scheme, where it is felt this would be more beneficial, such as Park road and surrounding streets. Whatever your preference, make sure you return your form.
Enquiries should be directed to Nilesh Patel, Parking Manager, NOT the SJRA. Nilesh can be contacted on 01604 235653 fax: 01604 631028 mobile: 07738144223 e-mail: nipatel@northamptonshire.gov.uk
Or contact Councillor Suresh Patel on 07884166657 e-mail: supatel@northamptonshire.gov.uk
The SJRA does not necessarily recommend or endorse any particular scheme, the decision will be entirely the residents.”