St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Northampton Borough Council News Release: Tackling fuel poverty by helping households achieve affordable warmth

Northampton Borough Council has launched its first Affordable Warmth Strategy  to help alleviate fuel poverty and tackle home energy efficiencies in Northampton. This strategy is in its draft stages and we are looking for your views on how to shape it. This piece of work is so important due to recent announcements from energy providers increasing their tariffs. This has a significant impact on our residents; as it could push them into fuel poverty. A household is considered to be in fuel poverty if it needs to spend more than 10% of its income on fuel to maintain an adequate level of warmth. The links between ill health, poor housing and fuel poverty are well documented.

Northampton householders reminded to check electoral registration forms now

Northampton households who have not checked their electoral registration forms and confirmed the details are correct are being reminded to do so now.
Forms were sent out by Northampton Borough Council to over 90,000 households in the town last month asking them to check that the details of who is listed as living at the address are correct and to then let the council know.

Fun and Information Day Pictures

Results of Recent Polls:

The Result of what should be the Councils main priorities in St James are:
The winner was PARKING + CONGESTION. No surprise there then :)

The Result of Should we Have A Parish Council:
78% Who voted said yes
21% Who voted said no
So we will continue to look into becoming a parish Council.

Monday, 5 September 2011

St. James Community Fun and Information Day Raffle Results

PRIZE                                   TICKET No:                  WINNER

Cobblers Tickets                        229                             K. Gleason
Rugby Ball (signed)                     109                            Mary
Red Wine                                    84                             T Barrett
Danish Cookies                           47                              Keith
White Wine                                 72                              Dave
Cookies                                     200                             Burkes?
Red Wine                                   111                            Nertll?
Teddy Bear                                148                             Ellen
Cookies                                      108                            Mary
Fun Gums                                    29                             Max
Haribo                                         33                             Max
Cookies                                       26                             Max
Cookies                                       62                             T Wire
Cookies                                      210                            Margaret
White Wine                                 175                            Sandra

Congratulations to all the winners.

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


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