The results of the recent permit parking consultation are being collated and are due to be presented to the council for ratification and residents with permits will be informed in due course. However early information is that a total of 822 questionnaires were hand delivered to residents living within St. James. A total of 258 were returned which represents an 31.4% response rate. The average return rate is around 20% to this type of consultation so this represents a good response rate for the zone. It was also one of the highest return rates of all the zones consulted.
A total of 97% of respondents were residents and 3% businesses. An average proportion of residents (24%) do not own a vehicle, 49% have 1 vehicle and 27% of respondents have more than one vehicle. Of all the responses, 26% have access to off-street parking. The majority of residents 86% still want a permit zone in their area, 14% want the permit zone removed. From the feedback to the consultation it is clear that residents want to see the permit scheme operate over a 24hour period and this is partly due to the perception of non permit holders parking overnight. It is also clear that residents want the scheme to operate 7 days a week and the common reason for this is because the Saints also play games on a Sunday. There was a general consensus that lack of parking was an issue and that a limit should be introduced of 2 permits per property. Given the number of businesses in the area and different user groups requiring parking, residents identified that some short stay parking is very valuable to the area and didn't want to see a change to reduce the amount of limited waiting. However there is conflicting views about the 'free spaces” with some residents seeing the benefit for these areas and others thinking they were open to abuse by residents who were using these spaces to avoid buying a permit.