The "St James Focus" issue number 14 Talks about the failed bid by the SJRA to get floodlights in Victoria Park. It talks about how important that the Floodlights would be for the park and how the park could be used in the winter far more then it is now. However that once again the article fails to mention that it was the Borough Council who turned down our bid. Even though the article emphasises how without the floodlights youths are forced to roam the streets In St James. Also that while the SJRA bid was turned down the Borough Council believe that spending 30k on a new band stand is money better spent, I will leave it up to you to decide.
Chair - SJRA
The text was probably lifted from your correspondence anyway!!
They have a habit of copying other people's ideas and carrying them off as their own!!
It really begers belief how they have the front to campaign for this idea when they refused it anyway!
I'll be happy to talk to anyone over continuing to campaign for floodlights for the MUGA in Victoria Park. Should I be elected I would strive to be the St James representative on the Borough Council.
However I would point out that the park has not been in a Lib Dem controlled ward but rather the Independent Castle ward up to these elections. I am not copying someone's idea, merely stating an ambition to carry on the campaign for something which will benefit St James, local residents and young people.
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