St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Why does the Borough Council staff never answer the phone!

10/03/11 - Tried to contact the local Estate manager to see why the Borough Council have removed all the plants from the back of Flats 1-9 Buckle House without contacting the residents to let them know why this is happening or for the residents input, but i was let with a phone that just rang. I finally was given the chance to get through to the duty officer, but guess what......... that's right it just rang with no answer. What a truly poor service this current administration of the Borough Council gives its residents. Why do residents pay for landscaping when the Borough Council are removing everything. Why has the rents gone up around £4 when this administration is doing less and less all the time?

Chair- SJRA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Council tenant rents are set by the Government

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


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