I know that you have written to Peter Staffell the Area Coordinator for the South West Area and spoken to Cllr Pam Varnsverry regarding the “I Love My Park” capital investment authorised by cabinet on the 13th October 2010. I thought that I should reply to your letter as I do not believe that it is appropriate for an officer of the Borough Council to reply to your questions in order for you “to keep our faith in this administration”.
This administration has made this investment in order to address the backlog and deficiency in investment in our parks and open spaces over the last 10 years. However it will not be sufficient to resolve the backlog of problems nor to enable the enhancement of existing facilities that community Groups might wish. I am sure that this will not be a surprise to your committee.
The “I love my Park” programme has focused on the premier parks that provide recreational facilities to large numbers of Northampton residents, We have also attempted to provide facilities in areas that have no play equipment at all and to support community or Friends Groups who have raised money and were seeking additional support.
I can assure you that the Floodlights for Victoria Park was brought to our attention by Pete Staffell as were other community wishes in the South / West Area. As you know your request for Floodlights for the MUGA installed as part of the Casper regeneration of Victoria Park Area was not one of the 15 schemes that were selected and stretched across Northampton.
Community Groups such as yours will obviously be disappointed that, their scheme has not been successful but I am sure your group will support the action taken by this administration to make investment in our parks and open spaces.
Your application for lighting for a MUGA was not the only MUGA scheme that we were not able to support on this occasion. MUGA’s have been introduced in a number of areas to provide youth provision and combat anti social behaviour which the Borough Council fully supports. However there is both a capital and revenue implication to installing lights at these facilities and I am asking officers of the council to review the approach to their installation and make recommendations as to whether lighting should be standard when a MUGA is proposed and how the ongoing revenue funding can be managed.
I apologies for the delay in replying to your letter but I thought that it was more appropriate that the response came from a member of the administration rather than an officer.
Councillor Brian Hoare
Leader of the Council
Northampton Borough Council
1 comment:
How can Brian Hoare in the second to last paragraph talk about "MUGA's and how the Borough Council supports the need for them, but then does not support the SJRA when they ask for floodlights? I think this is somewhat hypercritical of Brian and the Council.
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