The SJRA urge Residents to go to the Borough Councils planning web page and lodge an objection to the proposed planning application N/2011/0390. You can cut and paste the comment below for your convenience.
"Whilst it is pleasing to see the premises potentially being used it will be a concern to many residents that parking will be an issue as it is already at a premium in this area. In addition, the traffic using the proposed facility will have to enter via Byfield Road an already heavily used and congested road and travel via the back streets to get to it as there is no direct vehicular access to the former pub. Also there will be concern to many residents the level of noise and rubbish that this will bring into the area".
How much more traffic, pollution, and rubbish do they want to squeeze into St James. We already have an appalling level of pollution in the area. The Council should be looking to lowering this not making it worse.
One could argue that it was apub before whats the difference? However, traffic and parking has increased since those halcyon days of plentiful pubs. A lot of people walk to the pub whereas a restaurant takeaway will encourage more traffic into an already overcrowded street. Parking is a big issue, and questions need to be asked of how the developer proposes to deal with it. Dont get me wrong I want the premises in use but conversion to dwellings may be better? Just think the immediate neighbours have a problem parking as it is with the commuters from the station taking up the spaces. The population in Jimmies End has increased greatly over the years with a lot of Houses in multiple occupation. Most houses have two vehicles these days so the streets fill up with cars. However, if most people had a problem they probably filled in the recent parking review survey from the council instead of ignoring it!
If you wish to challenge this planning application then you will need to send in a letter outlining your objections and they need to more than a we don't want it.
Contact your local ward councillors that is what you elected them for.
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