St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Parking Issues - Permit Parking Review

Permit Parking Review - Consultation Starts Friday 20th

The County Council have informed us of a town wide parking review of its permit parking scheme, and in particular they want your views on whether you want changes to the current system, including disbanding it altogether or variations in the operating hours for example. It is vitally important that as many residents take part as possible to get an accurate idea of what the best way forward is. The last time a review was carried out, two years ago, less than 25% of residents responded despite correspondence being delivered to each household.

This is an excellent time to air your concerns and suggestions on this controversial issue. The council review begins on Friday 20th January and runs until February 10th. Residents can take part in the online survey by visiting the consultation section on the council’s website at Residents Parking Survey or by calling the council on Northampton 01604 364566 or email:

Not all residents have internet access however, if this is you there are two other options; you can pop down to the library and use the county council computer there, staff will be only to pleased to help you with this, or you can send your comments to the St. James Residents Association at the Doddridge Centre and we will ensure your comments reach the parking department. Please tell your friends and neighbours.

1 comment:

Seth's mum said...

Again?!!! How many times are we going to be consulted on this? What a waste of money - they've had our feedback and ignored it before why are they bothering to ask again? It's crazy.

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


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