St James Residents' Association

For The Residents And Workers Of St James

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Planning Applications

A planning application No. N/2011/0390 has been submitted to convert the former Castle Pub on St. James Park Road into a restaurant/café and hot food takeaway with three flats in the accommodation above. The closing date for comments and objections is 16th June 2011. Whilst it is pleasing to see the premises being used it will be a concern to many residents that parking will be an issue as it is already at a premium in this area. In addition, the traffic using the proposed facility will have to enter via Byfield Road and travel via the back streets to it as there is no direct vehicular access to the former pub.

 N/2011/0350 is an application for a three bed dwelling to be erected on Ross road in the garden of an existing dwelling on Peverel’s Way. Permission has already been given to to neighbouring properties.

Another more major planning application, N/2011/0399,  has been submitted by Fyna Vehicle hire on Weedon Road to erect five 3 storey town houses and nine apartments over three storeys on the site of their current premises. The apartments are planned to be two bedroom dwellings and the town houses four bedrooms. As normal with these type of developments nowhere near enough car parking is provided, only 17 space and disabled space is provided. Dwellings of this size almost certainly have more than one vehicle these days and we all know where the excess vehicles will park, in the already busy and overcrowded street where existing residents struggle to park.
To for more information visit or telephone 0300 330 7000 ask for planning. The plans for all these applications can be viewed online or at the Guildhall. The planning office has now moved from Cliftonville to the Guildhall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This will be a nightmare if this goes through with the Castle Pub, apart from all the extra traffic that it will generate in an already over populated and congested area, I foresee lots of rubbish from take always flying around the neighbourhood. This must not be allowed to go through.

St James End before 1965

St James End before 1965


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